May 28, 2010

turning 3.

Boy howdy was this girl ever excited for her "Doda Bofday". She fell in love with Dora about a month after her last birthday and had been talking about her next birthday ever since. Even after all that anticipation, I don't think she was dissapointed. We just had a little family party/BBQ with grandparents, and some aunts and uncles and cousins. She loved every second of it:

We sure love her! Thanks to everyone who came and made her Doda Bofday so great. She got so spoiled and will remember that special day for a long time. She's already talking about her next one. :)

May 20, 2010

overheard 2.

Overheard from our kids recently:

Ellie: "LOOK at the tail on that chicken!!" - it was really a phesant at Cabella's.

One day my mom and sister came to visit for the day. Addie didn't want them to leave, but they promised they would be back soon for her birthday party. "Okay. Then YOU (pointing at Grandma) bring the Dora cake, and YOU (pointing at Brianna) bring the Dora presents." Seems she's got the art of delegation down. Especially when it comes to doing chores. :)

Ellie while talking on the phone to Grandma Reader: "It is raining in our back yard AND our front yard. Can you believe it?"

I've been trying to get my kids to eat and like fruits and vegetables. I explained to Ellie in four year old terms why they are important for digestion. About a week later she was in the bathroom and yelled, "Mom, mom, bring me an apple!"

May 15, 2010

mothers day.

I must sum up Mother's Day before the week completely passes me by.

So grateful to be a mother to these sweet girls-

(and grateful to that guy for making it all possible.)

and a step mom to this amazing boy.

LJ made me breakfast.

I completely enjoyed church without being on-call and with all the girls in primary/nursery.

We hung out with my wonderful mother and father-in law-and enjoyed a delish dinner.

We played in the yard and enjoyed the weather.

We went on a bike ride. Wore all three girls out. Who knew riding in the back is so hard?

Watched The Blind Side and schnuggled with L.J. while the kids continued to sleep. LOVED it.

Ellie gave me one of her favorite toys. She seriously has a heart of gold.

I got told about 462 times "Happy Mother's Day, Mom!" with hugs and kisses to go with it every time.

I cherished every moment of the day. Man, have I ever mentioned how much I love being their Mother? Just wondering. Because man, do I ever. I am one lucky girl.

May 07, 2010

Meet Cowboy.

He's our new friend. He loves the kids, likes to watch movies with us, and begs for treats. He and Macie like to kiss. LJ is in love. And the best part is - he's not ours! He's our neighbors'. We 'share' a backyard (the end of our backyard touches the end of their backyard, but there is no fence). All the perks without the responsibility. That's a dog I can handle. :)