May 28, 2010
turning 3.
May 20, 2010
overheard 2.
Overheard from our kids recently:
Ellie: "LOOK at the tail on that chicken!!" - it was really a phesant at Cabella's.
One day my mom and sister came to visit for the day. Addie didn't want them to leave, but they promised they would be back soon for her birthday party. "Okay. Then YOU (pointing at Grandma) bring the Dora cake, and YOU (pointing at Brianna) bring the Dora presents." Seems she's got the art of delegation down. Especially when it comes to doing chores. :)
Ellie while talking on the phone to Grandma Reader: "It is raining in our back yard AND our front yard. Can you believe it?"
I've been trying to get my kids to eat and like fruits and vegetables. I explained to Ellie in four year old terms why they are important for digestion. About a week later she was in the bathroom and yelled, "Mom, mom, bring me an apple!"