July 26, 2010

the girls.

My sweet friend Keli moved to the Chicago area a while ago, and came back for a visit and did some photo shoots while she was here. We were lucky enough to get one! I just did the girls since Grant wasn't here yet, but I couldn't be happier with how they turned out.

Thanks again Keli, I love them!

i (heart) the parade.

Man alive, summer is going by way too fast. I am loving it. Loving the heat (really, I do), the barbeques, and going on a bike ride or letting the kids play outside until 10:00 pm when it finally gets dark. The drive-in. I love mowing the lawn (and smelling freshly cut grass), and playing ball. I love waking up with the sun at 6:00 am and feeling refreshed and energized. I just love it all. I could totally move to Arizona or somewhere warm year round. But until I can convince L.J. (which will probably be never), I just have to soak it up while I can. And believe me, I have been. This is what we did over the weekend:

We went the Days of '47 Parade. I (heart) that parade for so many reasons. I love it because it means it's summer. I love it because it's just so well done. I love it because we are celebrating the arrival of the pioneers to Utah. I appreciate and love them more and more the older I get. I love to sleep out at the parade and relax and talk and play games and read and light sparklers and be SO tired right before the parade starts but get a second wind to watch it (we didn't get to sleep out this year because I was on call, dangit). I love it because I met one of my best friends there (sleeping out) 11 years ago. We are still best friends and now both bring our kids to watch it. I love Utah.

July 02, 2010

ellie is FIVE.

Sass turned five this week.

I'd be mad at her for it if she wasn't so dang sweet. She's pretty hard to get mad at.

She had her first friend party. We rented an inflatable waterslide and it was a hit.


Even the big boys got in on the fun.

Taking a popscicle break.


I made her a flip flop cake.

And she scored a new bike for her birthday. She would spend all day on that thing if she could. She loves it!

And for Ellie's fifth birthday, here are five things about Ellie:

1. She is (still) my pickiest eater. She lives on yogurt, chicken nuggets, and anything covered with syrup.

2. On the phone or in person, whenever she is saying goodbye, she says, "don't let the crocodiles get you!" (I think it's her version of 'see you later alligator').

3. She is the best helper. She loves to help clean, cook, and unload the dishwasher. A few times a week she asks for her 'supplies', which are a water bottle and a wash cloth, and goes to town cleaning whatever her little heart desires (and sings like Giselle on Enchanted while she cleans).

4. She is a snuggle girl. She loves to snuggle in bed or on the couch, especially right after she wakes up or before bed. And sometimes in the middle of the day she'll just randomly ask to snuggle. And she loves to love on Grant whenever she can. :)

5. She has a heart of gold. She is a peace keeper. She will give up a toy or a crayon, or a chair or a book to keep her sisters happy. She is so willing to sacrifice her own desires so someone else can be happy. And she says, "that made Jesus happy, huh Mom?" Oh, sweet Ellie girl, may you always continue to make decisions that make Jesus happy. :)

Man oh man, we love this girl, and are SO thankful she is part of our family.